План за развитие на засаждането на картофи и пазарна стратегия във Франция

France is one of the world’s largest potato-growing countries. The current annual potato production is 160,000 tons, which is expected to reach 200,000 tons within five years. Small scale frozen french fries production line is popular equipment for individuals to start a business since most people there like to eat French fries. Bernard Quere, general manager of the French Potato Planting Federation, accepted an exclusive interview with World Potato Market magazine and told reporters about the development plan and market strategy of potato industry in the next few years.


Reporter:How is the French potato industry planned in the next few years?

BQ: In the short term, we will increase the output of potato planting and achieve the target of an average annual output of 200,000 tons within 5-6 years. We will attach great importance to the French Potato Planting Program, which will be implemented on the basis of fertile soil and strict control of high-quality plant quarantine. French potato producers must have enough land for crop rotation to avoid the risk of pests and diseases. We also need to quarantine harmful organisms. In this regard, we will work with Dutch companies to strengthen partnerships. As a world powerful country to plant potatoes, the Netherlands can rely on French growers to expand its exports to Europe.

Reporter:How to treat the potato planting market in Europe?

BQ: Since the starch and french fries market are relatively standardized, mid-term forecasts can be made. However, since the French government announced the implementation of the Safe Potato Planting Program two years ago, there have been many uncertainties in the French fresh potato market. The plan allows farmers to select the appropriate varieties to grow, but most of the potato planting made by farmers are not certified and officially supervised. Since these potatoes were sold at traditional commodity sales outlets, people worried that it will have an impact on their  fresh potato market and the French fries made by small scale frozen french fries production line.

Reporter: What are your expectations for the next production season?

BQ: I hope to face a better production season, and it is definitely better than this year. The unit yield of French potato planting is decreasing, and there are some quality problems that will affect the sales of potatoes in some markets. We will keep an eye on the above impact, and encourage potato processing enterprises to strictly control the quality of the Линия за обработка на пържени картофи to produce high-quality french fries to meet the needs of the public.


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